Here are some images of M. E. Kerr. We have also included photos of book covers in other languages and fan photos from People and Critters. Also, a few extra photos can be found under “Other.”
If you are seeking a photo of M. E. Kerr/Marijane Meaker, you are in the right place.
We are happy for you to use an image from the site. Please give credit to the source. M. E. Kerr’s official photographer is her good friend Zoe Kamitses. Otherwise, please write: “Courtesy of MEKERR.COM.” Thank you for visiting!
ADDED: 8/11
M. E. Kerr by Zoe Kamitses – I like how it captures her lively nature!
ADDED: 10/08
Rotoscope of M. E. Kerr by Zoe Kamitses
ADDED: 12/06
Thanks to Peter Sieruta for this find. It is M. E. Kerr on the cover of Scholastic Scope in November 1983.
We are pleased to inform the public that Marijane Meaker’s works will be taken care of by the University of…