At M. E. Kerr’s request, this is a Comments page where visitors may leave comments without creating accounts. Comments will still be reviewed and may be edited for content. There will be a slight delay in posting new comments but don’t worry. You will see your comment within a day and we will respond if you ask a relevant question!
Please scroll down to the bottom of this page or go to Comments, continued for more.
Here are previous Guestbook entries. Perhaps we’ll add even older ones later on down the road.
I read and loved so many of M.E./Marijane’s YA works when I was growing up in the 1970s and 1980s and was a big fan of the first book (Dinky Hocker) especially. I became a YA/teen writer and just wanted to express my admiration. I recently read the Highsmith book and am looking forward to reading some of the more recent writing that (of course) I wasn’t aware of in my youth. I did eventually find the memoir Me Me Me while I was in high school, and the references to “The Member of the Wedding” stayed with me; it set me on a course of reading everything by Carson McCullers too. I’m so glad Marijane is still with us. She and a few other favorite YA authors of my youth have a special place in my heart (M.E., Ellen Conford, and a few others who really spoke to me). I hope 2021 is a great year for you and yours (including Michelle K)!
Caren- How wonderful to receive your comment. I know M. E. Kerr/Marijane Meaker will be delighted to hear what you shared!
Thank you! So great that you keep this blog going.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your kind words! Always great to hear from another M. E. Kerr/ Marijane Meaker fan! I am still waiting for the movie version of Shockproof Sydney Skate! I wonder if it will ever be made. Goldie Hawn’s production company optioned it and then Cameron Crowe was going to direct it at some point. Then the wagon stopped but I know it will make a great movie whenever it is made!
Thank you so much, Marijane. I’ve been listening to your book Highsmith: A Romance of the 1950’s, and it brought be back to when I first read your book Spring Fire, as a young teenager. I’m nearly an adult now and I’m really looking forward to reading some of your other works, especially Sudden Endings. Thank you again, your work has done so much for me!
Thanks for your comment! I forwarded it to Marijane. I know she will be pleased to read it. Highsmith is fascinating, isn’t it? One thing that struck me was how women couldn’t wear trousers outside of their home. I could not do that! Enjoy discovering more of her work! Michelle
I am trying to find my cousin (and Marijane’s younger brother) Charles G. Meaker III. Marijane said years ago, when I passed on to her the family history her father Ellis had written that he was the recipient of all the family stuff. I was wondering if he had the book which our grandmother had written for each of her children. I have the one for our Aunt Josephine (gotten from my sister Faith) which I propose to send to the Cayuga County Historical Society.
Thank you thank you for so much reading enjoyment. I’m sure you hear this all the time – how wonderful that you are so up-to-date, even though you’re considerably older than my parents.
I didn’t learn of your books until the mid 1990s, but then I quickly read the older books through my library, and then I bought the new ones as they were released. I was able to connect with almost everything, except for the Quaker novel (I like the Quaker community, but maybe the book was set too far in the past for me).
I love all your book titles – those are what grabbed me when I was skimming across the books at the library. “Night Kites”, “Is That You, Miss Blue?”, “Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack” (a heroin reference in the YA section!). The “Night Kites” title and cover painting really grabbed me; I was obsessed with building kites from scratch when I was 10-13 – Korean kites, Thai kites, Chinese kites, and American kites.
Thank you!
Many thanks for your kind words! I passed on your message to M. E. Kerr. As a fellow fan, I agree with your assessment of her titles! Dinky Hockey Shoots Smack is certainly a great one although I’m not sure of its punch power today. I also have to say as a biased reader and fan and that it remains an impressive first novel and was the beginning of a memorable career for M. E. Kerr as a YA writer. Happy reading!
I’ve been reading your books for 30 years since I discovered them in a young adult literature class I took in college. I just finished Edge and was wondering if you’re currently working on a new novel. Love your work!
Susan- Sorry for the late response! M.E. Kerr’s most current project that has spanned over time is a memoir. No publishing date yet. I also enjoyed Edge! She is such a captivating and accessible writer! Totally biased opinion, I know. Thank you so much for visiting the site and leaving a comment. We both truly enjoy the interest and feedback!
Happy New Year! Things to do in 2016 include checking out M. E. Kerr’s recently released collection of short stories Edge, and with the spotlight on the movie Carol, attention has been put on her other work including Marijane Meaker’s memoir Highsmith.
Click here for more information about Edge.
We are pleased to see more spotlight on the writing of Marijane Meaker as herself and as Ann Aldrich in relation to the movie Carol and Patricia Highsmith. This reference is in The New Yorker.
Read Marijane Meaker’s memoir Highsmith for more.
With the rave reviews of Carol, the movie adaptation of Patrica Highsmith’s The Price of Salt, it is wonderful to see a spotlight on the works of Marijane Meaker.
In New York Magazine, November 18, 2015
Frank Rich on Patricia Highsmith’s Carol and the Enduring Invisibility of Lesbian Culture in America references Marijane Meaker’s memoir Highsmith.
In the same issue. Marijane Meaker’s Springfire and Shockproof Sydney Skate are featured in the article 28 People on the Lesbian-Culture Artifacts That Changed Their Lives.
(Click here for more information about Edge.)
We are very pleased with the critical response to M.E. Kerr’s collection of short stories Edge.
Balkin Buddies: School Library Journal review
School Library Journal
Kirkus Review
“Expertly crafted, with enduring relevance.”
Issue: October 15, 2015
— Erin Downey Howerton
Happy Banned Books Week! M. E. Kerr has joined the ranks of authors who have works banned for various reasons. I will re-post previously gathered information below:
As it is Banned Books Week, it seems like the right time to note books by M. E. Kerr that have been banned or challenged over the years. I will list what I know and I hope M. E. Kerr will chime in and make additions or correct me.
Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack -Banned or challenged for “references to religion, drug use and potential use of heroin.”
Gentlehands – Banned or challenged for “showing one Nazi in a positive light.”
Hello I Lied – Banned or challenged for “homosexual content.”
I’ll Love You When You’re More Like Me – Banned or challenged because “a character has a gay friend.”
Night Kites – Banned or challenged for “discussing AIDS and homosexuality.”
I believe the following titles were “challenged” which means questioned but not banned:
Deliver Us from Evie
Slap Your Sides
What Became of Her
Related links:
Exciting Announcement (Click here for more information.)
“M.E. Kerr’s new book, EDGE: COLLECTED STORIES, is due out September 2015
We’re pleased to announce that M.E. Kerr has a new collection of short stories coming out on September 15, 2015. EDGE: COLLECTED STORIES, published in paperback and as an e-book by Open Road Media, will include 15 short stories for young adults previously published in other sources. From a teenage girl coming out in “We Might as Well All Be Strangers,” to “The Sweet Perfume of Goodbye,” which explores questions about God, life, and death, to “Do You Want My Opinion?,” which parodies social norms, the collection epitomizes the kind of work M.E. Kerr is famous for: edgy stories with complex characters, complicated problems and thought-provoking issues — in short, the kind of stories teenagers love. M.E. Kerr is the winner of several awards, including ALA’s Margaret A. Edwards Award for Lifetime Achievement to Young Adult Literature.
Open Road Media also publishes a number of paperback and e-book editions of M.E. Kerr’s other books, including those shown below. We hope you’ll include all of them in your collection for young adults.”
We are pleased to share that in celebration of Pride Month 2015, “HELLO,” I LIED, NIGHT KITES and SHOCKPROOF SYDNEY SKATE are being featured by Open Road Media. Click to read more.
Hello, I Lied 1997 Lang goes to spend the summer on Long Island with his mother on a rock legend’s estate where she’ll be working. He has to leave his boyfriend, Alex, in New York City, where they both live. Enter Huguette, a girl who means a lot to the rocker and could mean a lot to Lang by summer’s end.
Night Kites 1986 Erick Rudd, a teen, narrates the story of how his family deals with life when his older brother, Pete,returns home living with but slowly being overcome by AIDS. This book was written in the early days of AIDS awareness, before people were very educated about the virus. In fact, this book has the status of being one of the first books written about the subject in either young adult or adult fiction. The uncertainty and fear stirred up by Pete’s poor health is reflected by family members and citizens of the town. M. E. Kerr says that when she wrote this book, she really thought that the epidemic would be short-lasting and that a cure was around the corner. Little did she know that people would still be able to relate to this story over a decades later.
Shockproof Sydney Skate 1972/2003 “Sydney Skate has dubbed himself “Shockproof”: He decoded his mother’s gossip with her glamorous lesbian girlfriends at age eight (but has never let on to her that he knows she’s gay). He easily shrugs off his father’s demands to skip college and join him in the exciting world of swimming pool sales for suburbanites. During his summer days, he deftly cares for snakes at the local pet shop. And he has memorized the sex scenes of every book he’s ever read in order to better seduce women. Nothing, however, has prepared Sydney for his mother sweeping Alison Gray, the girl of his dreams, off her feet.
Witty and perceptive, Sydney’s coming-of-age story has been a classic of lesbian literature since it was first published in 1973. It was a Literary Guild Alternate and a Book Find Club Selection. Hailed as the Catcher in the Rye for the seventies, Shockproof Sydney Skate exposes the confusion of its time and remains keenly relevant to the sexual absurdities of today.”
M. E. Kerr and I both found this message to Vin Packer interesting and wanted to share it. I hope it’s okay with the person who wrote it. It’s edited a bit here.
N. wrote: Hello, Vin! That’s the name I remember you from from a particularly potent short story, the collection’s name it was in I unfortunately forget now. It was something to do with hot snow, hot ice, something like that. Very poignant and noiry all at the same time! About a heroin addict if I am correct. Anyway, what advice would you give to someone who has all these ideas and would like to write? Thank you!
Vin Packer/M. E. Kerr/Marijane Meaker responded: Hi N.! What a good memory! The story you’re thinking of was Hot Snow published in Justice magazine, 1956. As to your question about writing: why not look for a contest for short story writers? The length might be right for someone trying out, and there are more short stories wanted than novels. Self-publishing is very popular now, too….I think when I wrote Hot Snow I was eager to get published, and even a short story was good for the ego. I entered all kinds of contests. Try that. Both The Writer and Writers Digest lists magazines that want them…Also, if you could find a group or START a group of writers, that helps.. Good luck to you. Vin Packer. I have a collection of short stories coming out in September. Publisher Open Road. Under my pseudonym M.E. Kerr. Collection called EDGE.
I know that previous picture is a little French New Wave. Here’s a more typical warm, smiling rendition from earlier this year of both of us:
My editor one day told me that the Fell books were not “falling off the shelf”-
his way of saying they were not selling, so I didn’t do another. Thanks so much for
your interest. I really enjoyed writing them. Mekerr.
I imagine you’ve been asked this before, but I couldn’t find it answered anywhere here on the site:
Why was there not a fourth book in the Fell series?
Fell Down, like the previous two installments, certainly ends on a whammy of a cliffhanger, and the trade reviews at the time anticipated a subsequent volume as well. What happened?
Thank You card from Mr. House’s class for visit and talk from M.E. Kerr
Happy New Year!
Things to do in 2015: Enjoy listening to a book or two by M.E. Kerr on your iPod, MP3 player, car, etc. Browse the audiobook collection here: M.E. Kerr audiobooks.
I knew a French woman named Huguette Herzog, no longer with us.
Cheers! M.E. Kerr
Did you know Huguette Clark IRL? I noticed that you used her first name several times.
Merry Christmas!
Since it came out, I am always reminded of Snakes Don’t Miss Their Mothers around this time of year.
Snakes Don’t Miss Their Mothers by M. E. Kerr makes for great seasonal reading (and at all other times)!
Snakes Don’t Miss Their Mothers 2003 Card catalog description: ”The animals at Critters animal shelter look forward to Christmas as well as the ever-present possibility of adoption.”
As fans of M.E. Kerr know, she is a long-time fan and supporter of her local animal shelter ARF. Snakes Don’t Miss Their Mother is a wonderful homage to ARF and fellow animal-lovers.
We are excited to announce that the books of M.E. Kerr and Mary James are now available as audiobooks at Audible.
The following titles are available:
Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack
Snakes Don’t Miss Their Mother’s
Slap Your Sides
I’ll Love You When You’re More Like Me
I Stay Near You
Shoebag Returns
If I Love You Am I Trapped Forever?
Hello, I Lied
Night Kites
Someone Like Summer
What I Really Thinks of You
Love Is A Missing Person.
Please click here to browse: M.E. Kerr and Mary James audiobooks
I’m currently in school to become an English teacher. For one of my classes about adolescent literature, my professor had us pick an acclaimed author to do a display about and I chose you! “Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack!” and “Gentlehands” are the two books I have read for this project, so I’m wondering if you would at all be willing to give me a few words of encouragement to young adults that have to do with the themes of these books. If not, that is completely fine as well, just thought I would ask. In any case, I thoroughly enjoyed your writing and would like to thank you for taking the time to read this.
Emma Schultz
Dinky Hocker was about a girl who couldn’t get her do-gooder mother’s
attention, She’d put on weight she was so ignored by the mother and nervously noted how her mother only gave attention to juvenile kids using drugs, smoking pot, shooting smack(taking heroin). One night her mother is honored close to home and Dinky, in rebellion,chalks DINKY HOCKER SHOOTS SMACK on all the sidewalks where everyone can see. She wants to shame her mother…Her mother finally gets it…Humor doesn’t always work when you’re trying to point something out, like you’re fed up with seeing mother give all her attention to those kids…but it’s better than anger, and this mother finally got it.
GENTLEHANDS is harder. How can you forgive a man who tortured women
prisoners in a concentration camp? Yes, many years later he’s completely
changed, but HOW do you overlook his past.? Some readers forgave him.
As the writer, I never forgave him, but I wanted to pose the question to
kids. Is there forgiveness for such a thing.? Some will say “Never!” Others
will believe there is always a way to forgive if someone has completely changed….It’s up to the individual. What would you do, Emma?, Thank you for participating. Cheers! Mekerr
Thank you so much. He took the book to his teacher today. He had to get it approved. The project “Write a letter to the author of a book” is due November 18th. The letter will be mailed then. Before he even got the book approved he was on Chapter 5! He loves reading Shoebag! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
The Open Road Integrated Media Blog: M. E. Kerr on Writing Night Kites
My son has to choose a book and write to the author. I taught 5th grade years ago and the class fell in love with Shoebag. My son found my copy and wants to read the book and write to M.E Kerr. Is this a possibility? He has to write a formal letter and mail it to her. I can double check with his teacher but she did not mention emailing.
Please let me know if it would be possible to have M.E. Kerr’s address.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this!
Katie LaPorte
She would love that! I will email you.
I’d love to hear from your boy. If he has to write a real letter
and not an e-mail, my address is 12 Deep Six Drive, East Hampton,
New York 11937. Either way I welcome all mail. Cheers! Mek
Banned and challenged books by M.E. Kerr
Banned Books Week is the last week of September. A number of works by M.E. Kerr have been banned over the years. Here is a free ebook facilitating discussion of some of these works: Common Core Standards and Banned Books Week.
The books reviewed are Deliver Us From Evie, Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack, Gentlehands, Hello, I Lied and Night Kites.
Very exciting news! Wild Things! Acts of Mischief in Children’s Literature> by Betsy Bird, Julie Danielson and our very own Peter D. Sieruta is now available.
May 27 is M. E. Kerr’s birthday! I made a card for her on behalf of us fans.
Marijane the Spy
It is the 50th anniversary of Louise Fitzhugh’s beloved Harriet the Spy. Marijane Meaker, aka M. E. Kerr writes about her relationship to this book in Me Me Me Me Me: Not a Novel
M. E, Kerr was curious about her neighbors as a child and organized kids to spy and report back to her. Her brother even put a sign on her door that said, Marijane the Spy.” M. E. Kerr told her friend Louise Fitzhugh about this and when Harriet the Spy came out, she certainly recognized the similarities.
Louise Fitzhugh photo courtesy of M. E. Kerr
Thank you so much for your novel “Deliver Us from Evie”. It captured my heart completely due to its realism and its unflinching depiction of Evie, may I learn to be as assertive as her.
Thanks so much,Amy and good luck to you! M.E. Kerr
Just wanted to express support for Peter Sieruta’s book Wild Things! Acts of Mischief in Children’s Literature co-written with Betsy Bird and Julie Danielson. Peter Sieruta was an avid fan of M. E. Kerr and made many valuable contributions to the site over the years. He passed away last year after complications following a fall. The children’s literature world gets one more contribution from this wonderful and talented individual!
While we’re on the subject, let’s celebrate the digital availability of Shoebag and Shoebag Returns courtesy of Open Road Media!
“Shoebag likes his life as a cockroach. Like the others in his “tribe,” he was named for the place of his birth—in his case, a white summer sandal. He enjoys living in a Boston apartment building with his parents, Drainboard and Under The Toaster, although they’ve lost countless relatives to jumping spiders, water bugs, beetles, and the deadly fumes of the dreaded exterminator. So when Shoebag discovers that he’s been transformed into a person, he’s horrified. But the worst is yet to come.
Shoebag is adopted by the Biddle family and renamed Stu Bagg. Mr. Biddle enrolls him in Beacon Hill Elementary School, and every night for one hour before bedtime, he watches television with Eunice “Pretty Soft” Biddle, his new seven-year-old sister, who loves the color pink and is the star of toilet paper commercials. At school, Shoebag tries to fit in as a human, while back home he tries to protect his insect family from spiders, cats, and the Zapman.
Then Shoebag discovers a secret formula that could change him back into a roach. All he has to do is choose.”
“In the hilarious sequel to Shoebag, the cockroach uses his magical abilities to help a lonely boy at an all-girls’ school
Shoebag and his roach family have taken up residence in the Lower School at Miss Rattray’s School for Girls in Wayne, Pennsylvania. Shoebag and his parents, Drainboard and Under The Toaster, like their new home because it’s close to the kitchen. But lately, Shoebag has been dreaming about the time he was transformed into a person named Stuart Bagg—probably because the all-girls’ school has just admitted its first boy.
Homesick ten-year-old Stanley Sweetsong doesn’t think he’ll ever be good enough to join the Betters, the school’s most exclusive club. What he needs is a pal—someone to help him hatch a plan to outsmart these snobs. So Shoebag uses his secret formula to transform himself back into Stu Bagg. Suddenly, Stanley has a new roommate who inspires him to come up with a better, even more elite club: the Butters. Stanley and Josephine Jiminez, his only other friend at school, are the charter members. When the club is banned by Miss Rattray, they’re forced underground—but with Shoebag’s help, Stanley and Josephine concoct the perfect recipe for revenge . . .”
Great news! Frankenlouse by Mary James, another pen name of Marijane Meaker’s, is now, available digitally through Open Road Media!
by M. E. Kerr
“A fourteen-year-old boy invents a comic-book fantasy world ruled by a book-dwelling insect named Frankenlouse
I am called Nick. I was fourteen the year of this story, the year that changed my life . . .
Nick Reber is a cadet with cartoonist dreams. Nick’s father, a by-the-books control freak, believes his son’s creative aspirations are a waste of time. As commanding officer of Blister Military Academy, he makes Nick march in step—or else. Nick misses his mother, who ran away, although she promised to one day send for him. As a form of escape, Nick creates a whole world inside his head—a comic strip featuring an insect that lives in the pages of Frankenstein. All the other book lice in the library fear Frankenlouse.”
I’ll Love You When You’re More Like Me
Lizzie Skurnick Books./ Publisher Ig Publishing /Elizabeth Clementson Publisher
Coming out March 18, 2014
“Lizzie Skurnick Books is devoted to bringing back the very best in young adult literature, from the classics of the ’30s and ’40s to the thrillers and novels of the ’70s and ’80s.”
“M.E. Kerr’s beloved 1977 young adult classic tells the story of two very different teenagers, both struggling to stand up to their parents. Whether it’s going to college instead of taking over the family funeral parlor, coming out in a town where homosexuality is considered akin to demonic possession, or choosing between a life of fame or normalcy, the young characters in I’ll Love You When You’re More Like Me bravely struggle to become who they want to be—even when they don’t yet know themselves.
M. E. Kerr was a winner of the American Library Association’s Margaret A. Edwards Award for Lifetime Achievement and the ALAN award from the National Council of Teachers of English. She has been described by the New York Times Book Review as ‘one of the grand masters of young adult fiction.'”
My father, Roger Donald, was your editor for “Shockproof Sydney Skate.” My mother, Diana van der Vlis, was in a Stratford, CT production of “As You Like It” with Zoe Kamitses. I just got off the phone with my father, in which we talked about how much we both adore “Shockproof,” and I regaled him with my best impressions of Sydney’s girlfriend doing impressions of Katherine Hepburn. We also talked about “Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack,” which we both loved, as well.
I realize that you’ve posted an email address above in the comments; but instead of taking advantage of that, I’d like to ask your permission to write to you at your email.
Thank you so much for such wonderful books – “Shockproof” was special meaning for me, since I read it, again and again, when I was just beginning to come out. My father says, it’s a great book about finding your parent impossible – who can’t appreciate that?!
Best wishes,
Adrienne Donald
This is a picture of a bookcase in M. E. Kerr’s home filled with her books in English and other languages.
I always enjoy seeing what M. E. Kerr and Mary James books are on the shelves of the bookstores and libraries I visit.
I usually take a picture but I don’t always remember to post them. I will post pictures of Slap Your Sides and Snakes Don’t Miss Their Mothers at a library in Chicago below.
At M.E. Kerr’s request, I am editing this down.
I excerpted M. E Kerr mentions below from great children’s literature pioneer Charlotte Zolotow’s obituary.
“Charlotte Zolotow, Author of Books on Children’s Real Issues, Dies at 98
Read on forum.
Read at New York Times online.
Charlotte Zolotow, a distinguished author and editor of children’s books whose work — both her own titles and those of the writers in her stable — offered even the youngest readers a forthright view of emotionally fraught subjects like anger, envy and death, died on Tuesday at her home in Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. She was 98.
As an editor, Ms. Zolotow worked for many years at Harper & Row (now HarperCollins Publishers), where she presided over her own imprint, Charlotte Zolotow Books.
The celebrated writers on her roster included M. E. Kerr (author of the 1986 novel “Night Kites” and the 1983 autobiography “Me, Me, Me, Me, Me”); Karla Kuskin (“The Philharmonic Gets Dressed,” 1982); Robert Lipsyte (“The Summerboy,” 1982); and Patricia MacLachlan, whose 1985 novella for Ms. Zolotow, “Sarah, Plain and Tall,” about a mail-order bride newly arrived on the American prairie, won a Newbery Medal, the country’s highest honor for children’s writing.
In her editorial capacity, Ms. Zolotow was known as a midwife of books of immense emotional honesty: Ms. Kerr’s “Night Kites,” for instance, was among the first novels for young adults to deal with AIDS. In editing writers for younger children, Ms. Zolotow was also a skilled matchmaker, pairing them with many of the illustrators whose work adorned her own books.”
Click here to see cover for Shockproof Sydney Skate.
Cool article by June Thomas at Slate.
What to Read on National Coming Out Day: Shockproof Sydney Skate
Happy Banned Books Week! M. E. Kerr has joined the ranks of authors who have works banned for various reasons. I will re-post previously gathered information below:
Reprinted by permission of the American Library Association
As it is Banned Books Week, it seems like the right time to note books by M. E. Kerr that have been banned or challenged over the years. I will list what I know and I hope M. E. Kerr will chime in and make additions or correct me.
Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack -Banned or challenged for “references to religion, drug use and potential use of heroin.”
Gentlehands – Banned or challenged for “showing one Nazi in a positive light.”
Hello I Lied – Banned or challenged for “homosexual content.”
I’ll Love You When You’re More Like Me – Banned or challenged because “a character has a gay friend.”
Night Kites – Banned or challenged for “discussing AIDS and homosexuality.”
I believe the following titles were “challenged” which means questioned but not banned:
Deliver Us from Evie
Slap Your Sides
What Became of Her
Related links:
Glad to oblige.
E-mail me at above address. MM
I read “The Son of Someone Famous” in high school and through it was introduced to the poetry of A. E. Houseman. I want to thank you for that introduction. I can still recite some of his poems by heart. I’ve gone on to read and write a great deal of poetry and have won some awards. Thank you for writing compelling stories.
That’s very sweet of you to write me, John. Thanks.
Houseman is still a great favorite of mine and I’m
delighted he is of your, too. Good luck with your
writing! Mekerr.
Hi Ms. Meaker,
My name is Jamie and I’m writing to inquire about potentially doing an interview with you in regards to a documentary series we are producing for REELZ Channel about Marilyn Monroe’s death. You book entitled “Sudden Endings” is a compelling look at Monroe’s death that we would love to include in our documentary series. If interested and available please email me at the email listed above.
Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing from you.
Jamie B.
I’ll be glad to be interviewed. Evening is best.
The Golden Crown Literary Society is dedicated to the recognition and promotion of lesbian literature, and to provide educational opportunities for authors,editors, and readers about many facets of writing lesbian novels.
The previous Trailblazer winners selected Spring Fire(Vin Packer) to win the Lee Lynch Classic Book Award. Additionally, and without knowledge of this, the GCLS membership nominated Marijane Meaker (Vin Packer) to win the 2013 Trailblazer Award…No one has ever won both of these awards, let alone in the same year. These are the two most prestigious awards offered by the GCLS. Their website is at
Marijane Meaker also writes as M.E. Kerr for Young Adults. Her YA
gay books, published by HarperCollins, are Deliver Us From Evie,
Hello, I Lied, and Night Kites. Night Kites(1986) was the first hardcover book written about AIDS which featured homosexual males, and not (as was the custom in early days) people who had received it from a blood transfusion.
Under her own name she has written Shockproof Sydney Skate(1972) first published by Little,Brown, now also published by HarperCollins.
Happy Birthday, M. E. Kerr!
I added a bunch of pictures to the site. Go here for the links: Forum. Thanks. Michelle
Dear Ms. Meaker,
I’m a reporter at The New York Times whose beat includes buildings, landmarks and civic history. I write for the City Room blog and the New York section of the newspaper.
I’ve been given the terrific assignment of writing a piece that would appear Wednesday (when opening arguments are heard in Windsor v United States) about the Portofino Restaurant at 206 Thompson Street, where Edie Windsor and Thea Spyer met in 1962 — in other words, where this landmark case was born.
The article would look at the restaurant itself, who ran it and worked there (Elaine Kaufman was on staff), and at the social scene of the time.
In the 1960s, where could women go who wanted to meet other women? What customs applied? What perils awaited?
I would love to hear your thoughts on this. I appreciate your consideration.
David W. Dunlap
The New York Times
212 556 7082
I replied to David Dunlap’s NYTimes e-mail. mek
Here’s the link to the final article:
A Marriage Born Where Tables for 2 Women Were Common>.
Dear Mrs. Meaker, just yesterday i was finishing to read your biography “Highsmith: A Romance of the 1950’s” unfortunately not translated into Portuguese, but as I speak several languages, fortunately I managed to get a copy of “Diogenes” in German.
What led me to read your book, it was first the fact that I have read the translated Brazilian biography from author Joan Schenkar where I found a lot of information about Patricia Higsmith. This book “The Talented Miss Highsmith: The Secret Life and Serious Art of Patricia Highsmith” is very unsympathetic. Hard and somewhat devastating. I was curious as to what would be the opinion of someone who had lived closer to Patricia Highsmith, because it seemed that it was just horrible the report that J. Schenkar was making about P.Highsmith life and work. And so, I struggled to find this your version, your book, that I met on a German version. I was pleasantly surprised by the begin of your description of P. Higsmith and finally saw her so much kind and friendly and personable. After all she was a woman capable of loving gestures and was also very loving, devoted and a nice person, althoug all. But I just do not get it, why after such wonderfull 2 years relatioship that you had with her, you finish that biography also quite bad. Your opinion about her, was so radically changed again, on the last part of the book. She went from a gentle lover, to an old nag and drunk scorned old woman, like you tell on the last pages of your book. What a shame. How sad. I know, too, personally how we can sometimes get to hate somebody, after a failed love affair/relationship. But so much aversion, about someone whom was our fromer lover is nonetheless surprising and amazing. Apparently she was able to arouse great passions and at the end of his life, large aversions. But why? After all, through what I’ve read about her, she was only a woman sicking for love, afection, and devotion. Someone who have been several and often abandoned from her lovers, and waht about her drinking problem? I wonder why none of his girlfriends or friends couldn’t help her on this regard. When began she to drink and why? In your book “Highsmith: A Romance of the 1950’s”, what struck me most was in final, your gesture of throwing out the soap when she was gone back to Europe, after to visiting you one last time at your home in Hamptons. I found this a terribly significant gesture.
I only wish that no one, never will have this gesture about me. I must confess that that emotional gesture have disturbed me more than anything else in this book.
I do not know if you will comment this my text. But if you do it I would be glad about it. Anyway, I wish you all the best. Thank you for reading these words of mine.Maria Lucinda.
Hi Maria Lucinda-
I just emailed you but I wanted to leave a response here as well. Marijane Meaker read your comment and wants to respond directly to you. You should receive an email from her shortly. Thank you so much for visiting the site and leaving such an interesting, thoughtful comment!
What is the best way to reach Ms. Kerr?
The best ways are to either leave a question or comment here so she can respond or use the Contact Us form (button on the left side of website) and the message will reach her. Thanks for visiting!
You may reach her at Mekerr13[at]aol[dot]com also.
We miss Peter Sieruta so much.
What a loss!
He was sending your books to his friend and Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel in Germany.
Yes, Peter is dearly missed. A week from tomorrow is his
birthday. I still can’t believe it. MM
I am quoting from an earlier interview:
Q: If you look on the message board, many questions are about Gentlehands. Would you say this is the most popular of your books to be taught in school? And what gives it that kind of appeal? Also, when you speak to children, do you find that they enjoy the book or do they view it more as an assignment?
A: Yes, Gentlehands is the most popular book. Kids are fascinated by the holocaust, and why not? It is still unbelievable to me, that in my liftetime such a thing could happen. I believe it should never be allowed to be forgotten. When I wrote Gentlehands, I had no idea there was such a thing as holocaust literature. I was trying to add more depth to a story taking place next door to me, a love affair between a have and havenot…I was also reading about this one Nazi, about his cruelty and his stunning looks. I was trying to figure out how anyone could be so sadistic, trying to discover reasons why…Now I am older, and I don’t think you ever discover why someone is evil, anymore than you ever find out what makes some people “saints.”
Some kids really get into reading, and some are reading because they have to.
Again, teachers have a big influence here. So do parents, in the examples they set…Kids are different today because they have so very many media opportunities…and through the internet they have more ways of learning. It is a strange new world, and we all have adjustments to make and challenges.
I just finished Gentlehands and loved it. But I was a bit confused by the ending.
Did the grandfather really commit those heinous acts or not? Was he really the Nazi officer who murdered people and played opera at the same time? I believe the ending could work well with either answer, but I’m curious what you had in mind. Again, a great novel.
I may use your book with my ninth-grade class so I would appreciate as in-depth an answer as you feel up to at the moment.
Thank you very much.
Ricky Ehrlich
Ricky, Trenker was Gentlehands. Men in combat or in charge of imprisoned enemy are very often trained or inclined to view the enemy as treacherous, less than human etc. For example we have our own soldiers in Vietnam,
in My Lai. See news report below:
*********************************************************************My Lai was a village of about 700 inhabitants some 100 miles to the southeast of the US base of Danang. Shortly after dawn on March 16th, three platoons of US troops from C Company, 11th Brigade, arrived in the Son My area having been dropped off by helicopters. 1 Platoon was commanded by Lieutenant William Calley and was ordered to My Lai village. They were part of Task Force Barker – the codename for a search and destroy mission. They had been told to expect to find members of the NLF (called Vietcong or VC by the US soldiers) in the vicinity as the village was in an area where the NLF had been very active.
When the troops from 1 Platoon moved through the village they started to fire at the villagers. These were women, children and the elderly as the young men had gone to the paddy fields to work. Sergeant Michael Bernhardt, who was at My Lai, was quoted in 1973 as stating that he saw no one who could have been considered to be of military age. He also stated that the US troops in My Lai met no resistance. An army photographer, Ronald Haeberie, witnessed a US soldier shoot two young boys who he believed were no more than five years of age. Other photos taken at the scene of the massacre show bodies of what can only be very young children.
Those who returned to the village claimed that it took three days to bury the bodies. They were later to report that some of the children had their throats cut and that some of the bodies had not just been shot but had also been mutilated.
In writing Gentlehands I hoped to provoke discussion about war and what happens to ordinary civilins once they are confronted with the enemy. I
think I was working through my own experience with my older brother, a
graduate of Yale law school, a good-looking, fun-loving young man who
became a war “hero” in WWII, flying a torpedo bomber over Japan, being
well-rewarded for killing whole villages of Japanese dropping napalm bombs
on innocent people, never reluctant or hesitant to perform his duty.
Trenker was based on a case study I’d read in college of men active in
Nazi concentration camps. I couldn’t forget the description of this
privleged Nazi officer, one of the cruelest, a man who as a civilian had
so much to be thankful for, yet became a sadistic beast in charge of
a major concentration camp.
This is not uncommon, nor particular to one or another country. My brother
was not unique. There were many like him. I was interested in learning
reasons, listening to others’ feelings, hearing others’ stories. I would be glad to answer any questions you or your class asks. I would also be glad to hear
comments from reader. Thank you for your interest in Gentlehands.
Marijane Meaker
For those of you who’ve never read Collecting Childrens Books, Peter Sieruta’s blog. it is still there, Treat yourself to his take on Mother’s Day and his tribute to
Maurice Sendak. He was the best! M.E. Kerr
As noted above, you can reach Peter’s excellent blog here: Collecting Children’s Books.
My post is also under Forum but I wanted to add it here as well.
At the end of last week, we lost a dear friend to the M. E. Kerr site, Peter D. Sieruta. He passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. His family and friends were surprised and devastated. Peter was passionate and incredibly knowledgeable about all things related to children’s literature. His job was as a librarian at Wayne State University. His calling was to share his love and wealth of memories and knowledge of children’s books with everyone. I started this website dedicated to M. E. Kerr and Mary James in 1998. In 2002, Peter made his first contact with us. He asked an obscure question and we were both intrigued.
Here is an early note to Marijane Meaker uncovering a fact I did not know yet! He discovered her first choice for a pseudonym for her YA author and revealed his endearing enthusiasm and deep fascination with, respect for and desire to know everything about children’s literature:
M. E. Kerr wrote to me:
Peter wrote the following [abridged]:
Since then, Peter was a frequent contributor to the forum (we have since re-hauled the site but you can imagine his loving and informational posts). He also sent me factoids, book cover images and ideas for the website. He created the Fan Photo page. He always let me know his concerns about the state of the site related to broken links, hinky looking forum visitors (spammers) and other crucial feedback. The three of us corresponded through the site and otherwise. He and Marijane became friends. I viewed Peter as a co-webmaster. I was very pleased for him when he started his blog Collecting Children’s Books. He soon learned that the children’s book world was starving for what he had to offer. He filled a big gap with his heartfelt essays about his passion for collecting, loving, analyzing and remembering fondly the role of children’s books in all of our lives.
Here is a collection of other tributes to Peter by his friends and fans. He was a wonderful friend to the site and his eagle eye, sparkle and revelations will be missed!
Friend of his posted a link to an article by Peter in The Horn Book:
I recommend reading all of these posts to get an idea of how Peter left his indelible impression on so many of us. I thought I was an M. E. Kerr fan until Peter showed up. Thank you, Peter for discovering the site and sharing your friendship and fandom!
Debbie- I would love to see a movie based on Shoebag. Alas, one does not exist! Mary James did base Shoebag on Kafka’s The Metamorphosis including nods to character names so that might also be why elements of Shoebag seem familiar. Also, I have to agree it is a vividly written story! Thanks for visiting the site!
I think I remember seeing a movie based on “Shoebag” and can’t remember the title. Am I mistaken or was the imagery in the book so amazing that I could see it all in my mind?
Hi Mona, Good to hear from you – it’s been such a very long
time. You can write me at Mekerr13 [at] aol. I look forward
to hearing from you. Just spoke with Sandy the other
night. Cheers! Marijane.
Note- Edited by Webmaster
Marijane – thank you. I met you about 30 years ago through Sandy C. When I moved out to Los Angeles, I believe you put me in contact with Alison Leslie G. (I haven’t been in touch with either of them.) Tuesday evening I was scouring the shelves in the library at the Center for The Price of Salt, and I came across your book Highsmith. (Thank you, I finished it yesterday. I was sorry it ended.) I had plowed through Joan Schenkar’s The Talented Miss Highsmith (I thought it vindictive.) – so your disposition of humor was very refreshing. I found this website through Facebook. I wanted to send you a more personal note. May I do that? How? Mona Lee Wylde