Our dear M. E. Kerr, born Marijane Meaker, died yesterday, November 21, 2022 peacefully at home at the age of 95. I saw her in person on her 95th birthday and it was a wonderful visit. I had plans to see her over the Thanksgiving weekend but instead, I will be at her home with friends and we will have a remembrance. She had a long, full, memorable life. I will write more later. She loved her fans and always wanted to support aspiring writers.
Edit: 11/24/22
I wanted to add that Marijane was a great raconteur able to weave facts into intrigue captivating her audience whether it be at a school, bookstore event or dinner table. One of these tales that she told and wrote about was the distinct possibility that Marijane was the inspiration to her dear friend and fellow YA author, Louise Fitzhugh as she had shared with Louise her days being Marijane the Spy when she was younger, following her mother’s lead as the one in the neighborhood who could be relied on to spill the tea to her neighbors about her neighbors. Lastly, for now, I will impart two pieces of advice she gave me and to those who asked for it, especially writers and aspiring writers: “Read!” and “You’ll never do it any younger.”
Love to you all,